Wags and Whiskers
Pet Services
Pet Visits
My cat feeding, pet service means rather than taking your cat to a cattery I visit your pet in their own home.
This means no disruption and your cat is much happier. I will go through your pets regime and ensure their normal routine continues.
I can make one or more visits a day I am completely flexible.
Pet visits available for all animals, whether its just for a day because of work commitments, weekends away or for a full fortnights holiday.
Home visits last for 15 minutes, your pet will be fed, watered, food and toilet area cleaned and of course played with.
I will be happy to also water plants, close curtains, turn lights on etc.
I can go on holiday and not worry, I know alison will take great care of my cats.
Thank you
Sam, bora & boozer owner
Really reliable service, I call when I cant get home from work, or I have to rush off on business and alison is there to help.
Great, thanks Julie
(Mollys owner)